Our community is changing by attracting and popularizing cryptocurrencies in the world, because this area is based on the blockchain technology, where everything is transparent, maximally honest, safe; transactions are made instantly; All data is protected. Therefore, companies one after another enter this area, because the advantages of developing projects in this system are obvious. Decentralization is a key feature of the blockchain application. DATABLOC uses blockchain technology to implement a robust economy that will ensure compliance with all the conditions of the project provided. The DataBloc project is already appreciated by large cryptocurrency platforms and has high ratings that give users confidence.
Therefore, companies one after another enter this area, because the advantages of developing projects in this system are obvious. So, DATABLOC represents a blockchain-based platform that allows individuals and organizations to store, monitor and protect data. DataBloc is the first solution where enterprise-quality service providers can download software that allows them to sell excess data storage and services over the Internet without the cost of customer acquisition — all within a secure block chain.
What is DATABLOC and how it works?
The DataBloc software, also known as StoneFusion, will be the 9th generation. Solution Blockchain, developed by StoneFly, a well-proven service. The company is based in Silicon Valley. StoneFly has invested about $ 40 million in this product and works with more than 16 full-time development software developers. The software supports various data services and storage types and offers enterprise data quality optimization, availability, accessibility, encryption, and security. DataBloc takes StoneFusion to an Ethereum-based blockchain that allows you to use a token that facilitates an efficient exchange economy. Unlike fully decentralized settings, users will know and trust the nodes they choose to purchase data services.
The DataBloc network will be accessible via a web platform where qualified service providers list their data services. Service providers will vary from data to businesses with their own data services. Service providers will join the network to improve their products, increase their customer base and reduce the cost of attracting customers. Enterprises will join the network to increase security and earn additional passive income on their inactive data storage capacity. Corporate and retail customers purchase these data services through a subscription-based model. The web platform will allow customers to filter service providers by criteria, including, but not limited to, cost, bandwidth, services, reservations, and locations. Then the web platform will create a list of qualified service providers. The client will review the list, select a service provider and place an order.
As a service token, Stone (ticker: STONE) will be a way to interact with the DataBloc Platform. The STONE token can be defined to represent future access to a company product or service. The defining characteristic of STONE is that they are not intended for investment. There are no guarantees or promises of return on investment. Tokens are the accounting unit for the network. The larger the network grows, the more useful the token is.

PreICO is already underway and will end on 05/15/2009, and the main public sale of tokens will begin on 05/16/2009 and will end on 06/16/2009, thanks to which you can become part of the DATABLOC project and not just a participant, but also a full shareholder of this company by acquiring STONE tokens:

The distribution of tokens is presented below

Distribution of funds collected

Below is a project development schedule. To date, the team clearly follows the presented roadmap

“To innovate within any industry, you must first master the basics. The rest is up to you.” ~Mo Tahmasebi
This is a quote from the CEO of StoneFly, who has made an impressive career in the data services and software industry. Prior to StoneFly, Mo was the founder and CEO of, a provider of cloud-based CRM at the enterprise level, sales automation and workflow management. Prior to, Mo founded the Computer Training Academy (CTA), a provider of corporate training in software and hardware with accreditation. Developing the Computer Training Academy, Mo founded Tzone Corp & Research Inc., a company that developed corporate storage and networking products for the US and Japanese markets. Prior to that, Mo was the founder and CEO of Pars, a software and hardware development company. Mo began his career at Atari, and then at Sun Microsystems as a senior development and product manager for the company. Since then, he has witnessed and participated in the growth of Silicon Valley as the center of the global computer industry.
This large-scale project is managed by experienced data center experts, cryptocurrency, and reputable financial experts with many years of experience
All information about the company and the project you can get on official resources:

Author by: Naomikatarina


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