VogoV (OGO): Decentralized Adult Entertainment Studio

Hasil gambar untuk VOGOV bounty
So far we only speak crypto about business, finance, property, and much more. Other corners There is immense untapped potential in the development of cryptocurrencies and technologies that are highly beneficial to our universe. Where the technological revolution of blockchain since 2008 has created significant technological changes around the world that also affect every aspect of humanity including the adult entertainment industry.
Because the shift in technology has led to a new era of financial services that leads to increased bitcoin as the first decentralized cryptocurrency, without central control or bank influence. Currency stability is generated by the fact that millions of computer consensus connect to the network, driven by market forces and natural liquid money flow. VogoV decided to capitalize on this technological change and limited competition in the open market to create a practical token ecosystem by combining the adult entertainment industry and cryptocurrency.

What is VOGOV?

VogoV is a decentralized interactive porn studio founded by Mark Dupree. VogoV is an adult entertainment studio based in Los Angeles that produces and distributes high quality content in 4k and 60fps video and VR
VogoV develops OgoShift which is an adult industry cryptocurrency infrastructure comprising merchant accounts, currency purses, markets, and exchanges. By connecting four important parts of the entertainment industry today, OgoShift will enable the sale and purchase of goods and services that are mature oriented with cost effective and timely


VogoV aims to change the way people participate in adult entertainment "porn" by introducing a decentralized Porn Studio in Hollywood with Cryptocurrency Adult-Integrated Industries. VogoV aims to apply the decentralized blockchain philosophy to their business model in the form of the decentralized interactive mature film. VogoV aims to contribute to the cryptocurrency space and the mature community by developing a new payment infrastructure called OgoShift, which will be specifically tailored to the adult entertainment business and to the needs of its customers


The workings of this project operation for users who have joined using our merchant account will be able to place payment buttons on their website. With one click on the button, customers will be able to pay with their own crypto currency. With some optional clicks, customers can sign up and gain access to automatically created wallets that will provide customers with a quick and easy way to buy cryptocurrency and pay with any cryptocurrency. The easier it is for someone to make a purchase, the more likely it is to give the person the opportunity to actually do purchase

OGO Coin: Economic Token

In the implementation of OGO token development we plan to develop our own blockchain but we decided to use Ethereum blockchain with standard token ERC223 to issue our tokens.Because OGO coins are the token of ERC223, it can be stored in various cryptocurrency purses that support ERC223 standard.This will make it more easy to use and help him gain acceptance in the cryptocurrency community.

Detail Token

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To increase scarcity and ensure that OGO coins retain value, any OGO coin tokens sold to VogoV and stored in VogoV wallets will be burned


The adult entertainment industry is not just about individual companies. this also about the relationship between these companies and their customers and fan. As the acceptance of OGO coin increases, which is mutually beneficial
relationships will develop with industry players in exchange for marketing goods and services within the ecosystem. The token holder will be able to enjoy using OGO coins as much as possible on our partner website. Token holders may use OGO coin to make payments for our partners, are confident that the transaction will be secure and anonymous. In
In addition, the token holder can gain access to discounts and specials promoted by our partner institutions.






VogoV plans to hold a Token Sale in an effort to measure the willingness of the adult entertainment industry to move into a cryptocurrency space. With a Goal to expand the adult entertainment industry into the cryptocurrency space in an offer to not only grow the adult entertainment industry and cryptocurrency, OGO Coin will help solve any anonymity issues our users may experience and make it easier for our users to participate in a content production
Info that Ico is still ongoing if you are interested to join can read the complete info linked below
Whitepaper : https://vogov.io/VogoV%20White%20Paper%20v1.0.pdf?v=1.0.1
Twitter : https://twitter.com/VogoV_official
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vogov_official/
Telegram : https://t.me/VogoV_official
Blog : https://medium.com/@VogoV_official


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